You select a suitable soft, clean tussock of grass and sit down, relaxing and enjoying the balmy weather and your pleasant surroundings. The warm sunshine and the far-off sound of running water slowly lull you into a peaceful slumber....




By the time you awaken, night has fallen. All around you are the sounds of the sleeping countryside... cricket-song and the whistling of the night wind fill the darkness. Above you is a sky full of stars, shining in their constellations with a cold blue light. Already, the full moon is high in the sky, casting a pale, serene light upon the hilltops.

You see a light in the distance, bobbing up and down as it slowly approaches. As it nears you, you see that it is the flickering glow of a lantern, held by a stern-looking, grizzled old man in a cloak.

"There you are!" he cries, and firmly grasps you by the arm. "You had us very worried, young master, no doubt about that! Why, your father had the entire castle search every nook and cranny of the castle grounds and the royal forest! If you had any idea how concerned we all were, I'm sure--"

The haranguing continues as the man half-leads, half-drags you home.
Ah well, you think to yourself. At least I got to have some excitement on my birthday...