At least three entities were instrumental in the creation of this page. They are: Aurora Aptenos, Tsukinayo-no-kimi of Clan Minui, and Juniper Walters (not her real name).
A member of a space-faring penguin-like race of conquistadors, this Entity landed on Earth with the intention of conquering it and converting it to a large theme park. She took the name Aurora Aptenos to indicated that her coming was the dawning of a new age: an age ruled by the iron flippers of the Aptenodytian Empire. Soon after her arrival, she had a rather nasty encounter with a small, white haired pointy-eared man somewhere in the vicinity of New York City. Although details are somewhat sketchy, there were two major consequences:
Humiliated by the fact that she was now an acrophobic gargoyle, she sought revenge on the Fey who had cursed/blessed her with the power of flight. Not too smart an idea, as it turned out...
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Pacific, somewhere deep within an ancient Japanese castle, the Clan Minui ("unseen fire") were in deep discussion. A gargoyle clan in the south had recently reported the existence of other clans in other countries; something unimaginable to most of the venerable elders. After much discussion, a young female gargoyle known as Tsukinayo-no-kimi ("She of the Moonless Night") was selected to go out into the world in search of others. She was selected, not only for her intelligence and peaceful nature, but also because she was cursed, hatched as she was on the night of a lunar eclipse. Tsukinayo left her ancestral home, knowing that it was best if she left before she brought some misfortune upon the clan. She slipped unseen into a freighter bound for Canada, and made her way into the port-city of Vancouver. There, she met Aurora Aptenos who was searching for some rare herbs in the rainforests of British Columbia. She advised the half-crazed penguin not to meddle with the Fey, but her words fell upon deaf tympanic membranes...
The penguin challenged her enemy to a battle of magic and aromatherapy, and was promptly given a sound thrashing. The Fey, annoyed at all these interruptions, finally decided that, to keep the avian world-conqueror under control, she would be merged with Tsukinayo-no-kimi of Clan Minui, only gaining control of the body during weekends. During the weeknights, the body would be chiefly controlled by the pacifist Minui; and during the weekdays, the body would become Juniper Walters (not her real name), a Faculty of Arts Student at the University of British Columbia. Juniper/Minui/Aurora would then go on to join the tamagotchi-l and mailing lists, as well as the Wolven Clan. The first and last groups seem to be aimed towards the (pre)teen set, but since Juniper has the emotional maturity of a 12 to 14 year old it has actually worked out for the best.
She has also made an attempt to join the Clan of Outcasts, but is temporarily unable to do so since she has next to NO spare time... on weeknights, Minui insists on doing homework, and on weekends Aurora is busy trying to take over the world (or failing that, finding a really good sushi bar).
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