The Black Swan |
"Stupid birds," said Young Nathan Brock.
He picked up a pebble at his feet, and threw it at them, just to illustrate his point. The
various waterfowl in the lake skimmed away from the pebble, and almost immediately skimmed back
to investigate the ripples that it had caused.
His companion gulped nervously. When Young Lord Nathan went into one of his "moods", there was not a person in Heatherwood who knew what to expect: depression, self-pity, or the Young Lord's personal favourite, mindless and bloody violence. The boy in livery took a deep breath.
Nathan snorted. "That old thing? I thought he finished it ages ago. Tell him that I am waiting. Go and tell him now, James." James coughed nervously. "Begging your pardon, sir, but His Lordship is currently occupied with the completion of his Gramarye of Enchanted Castles and Churches, and he has given orders that he not be disturbed, under any - " He choked as Nathan whirled around and grasped him by the neck. "What are you saying?" he snarled. "That I am less important than a musty old manuscript? That I am worth less than some paper and ink? When I give an order, I expect it to be followed . . . IMMEDIATELY!" Nathan abruptly released his hold on James' throat. "Yes sir," gasped James, as he stumbled away. "Right away, sir." Nathan returned his gaze to the lake. The sunlight innocently shone and shimmered on the water's surface, bathing the swans and ducks in a gentle white glow. SPLASH! Nathan hefted another stone and savagely hurled it into the lake. "Stupid birds." |
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