Welcome to my links area, a jumbled compendium of sites I like to visit,
or would like to share with others. Roughly grouped together according
to subject matter, these links are not by any means comprehensive.
These are just the sites that I personally like to visit.
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The Links
Japanese Fashion doll and Action Figure Websites |
Dolly sites from around the world... some pages may require additional plug-ins
or language support.
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Comments: |
Codah's WebPage |
Codah is a talented artist and doll-maker whose site reflects her many interests:
doll-making, toy-customizing, the Kamen Rider series, and Transformers!
Atemi on Line |
Atemi On Line
features wonderful customized Jenny dolls, photo-stories starring Atemi's many dolls,
and Nakoruru Gakuen (Nakoruru Academy). A truly inspirational (and international)
Lingo No Ki |
Lingo No Ki means "Apple's Tree". Lingo's site is dedicated to both customized
and commercially sold dolls, and the photo-stories show both affection for the "little
lodgers" and a gentle sense of humour.
a site all about Meekichi's many beloved treasures... teddy bears, cats and ferrets,
and of course dolls of many sizes!
Jenny's Entertainment |
Jenny's Entertainment
has an impressive array of content, ranging from up-to-date information on upcoming Jenny
dolls, to a host of beautiful and rare dolls, to a sweet-and-simple guide to dolly
Motto Takaku |
Take Me Higher has an amazing collection of Jenny and her friends, especially the
lovely Juliana (top three links on the right). The webmaster shows a great dedication
to customizing fashion dolls in subtle-but-beautiful ways.
Oningyou De Asobou |
Oningyou de Asobou is Japanese for "Let's play with [our] dollies".
This site features a doll album starring fashion dolls from many different companies,
as well as some truly beautiful hand-made kimono and outfits, complete with headgear!
Crystal Castle: Japanese |
This is the Japanese version of Crystal Castle, a site dedicated to both customized
and classic dolls. The dolls depicting characters from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time
are a treat for people new to the series as well as fans.
Beautiful Fransois |
Fransois (pronounced Fran - swah) is one of Jenny's more elegant
Friends. She is featured on this site in her many, many incarnations. Beautiful Fransois
also features a gallery of non-Fransois Takara dolls.
English Fashion Doll and Action Figure Pages |
Today on Berry Market: Tiny people, and men and women who love them.
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Comments: |
Doll Couture.com
Click here for full logo |
Sabrina is a fashion designer who has created an online magazine for
fashion-doll fashion. Her site has a meticulous detail to the history of fashion
design as well as sewing and pattern-adjusting, making it a definite must-see.
Bonekaku.homestead.com |
This site, also by a fashion designer, features many different unique fashion dolls
ranging in size from 1/12 scale to 1/5. Almost all of them are dressed in beautiful
outfits sewn and designed by the webmistress!
Crystal Castle: English |
This is the English version of Crystal Castle, a site dedicated to both customized
and classic dolls. The dolls depicting characters from Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time
are a treat for people new to the series as well as fans.
Jenny a Go Go |
This site features profiles of many Takara dolls, some photostories, and
a number of customized dolls...
Milkshake Melody |
... Aaaand this site, by the same webmistress, features beautiful customized
dolls for display and for sale.
Volks Perfect File |
An all-English visual guide to Volks, a Japanese company that sells kits
for customized dolls in a variety of shapes and sizes. Volks also sells a line
of dolls, called the Lost Angels.
Biscuit's House |
Available in Japanese, French, and English, Biscuit's House is an informative
page with detailed histories of Jenny, Licca, and many other Japanese fashion dolls.
Rachel's Addiction |
Biscuit's Club is a forum for fans of Japanese fashion dolls to share their
hobby. This site includes the FAQ for Biscuit's Club, as well as detailed directions
to various doll-related sites.
Keeping Ken:
The Man Behind The Doll |
This is a terrific resource for anyone interested in male fashion dolls.
While the most famous (in the Western World) is probably Mattel's Ken, this site
features other male dolls as well, as well as a value guide to Ken past and present.
Jenny Style
Revolutionary Girl |
This division of RevolutionaryGirl.com features a select number of Takara dolls,
displayed with love and care (and gorgeous photos).
Supermodular |
An online gallery of American fashion dolls, Japanese fashion dolls, anime figures,
and much, much more.
Pink Paradise |
Custom creations and a variety of fashion dolls such as Jenny, Barbie, and Gene.
World Conquest Resources |
All the links needed to create your own personal propaganda site,
collected here for your convenience.
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
Freewebspace.net |
Search for a Free Webspace Provider that suits your needs... and find the perfect place for a would-be world conqueror to set up shop.
WebMonkey |
Once you gots the webspace, you gots ta get da skills. HTML tutorials and more.
System F |
Elegant and stylish materials for your website. Be sure to read the terms of use for
this wonderful collection of linkware.
Miwa's Farm |
A wonderful collection of animated smilies, tiny graphics, and all-around cutesy goodness.
A Japanese-only site that also requires links.
Mew Heart |
A Japanese site with brain-meltingly cute Pokemon webmaterials. Linkware.
Gayuu of Namara Forest |
A Japanese by a talented artist and "character goods" creator.
Boasts a huge host of characters, including some 19 different species of penguin!
Boing Dragon.com |
Customizable counters and more!
Evil Overlord.Com |
Home to the Evil Overlord Lists of Things Not to Do when you Become an Evil Overlord.
Malcontent Graphics |
A Graphics site by the multitalented MCat. Transformers and Metallica website graphics, and more!
Care-Mail.Com |
Not much point in conquering the world if there's no world left to conquer. Everytime you send an e-mail or an e-card using this free service, a donation is made to your choice of three wildlife funds. Sign up for a free membership today, and get 6 MB e-mail space!
Beast Wars, Transformers and Minion Links |
Meet some other up-and-coming World Conquerors, such as the illustrious Megatron and... um... the magnificent Megatron... and then there's Galvatron, who used to be Megatron until he got a new paintjob, and...
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
This site is maintained by Benson Yee,
a consultant for Beast Wars the Series, and continues to be one of the most
famous and popular information and resource sites on the series, toy line,
and related merchandising ventures.
Penguin Resources |
Preferred Penguin Pages
Philosophy and Poetry and...? |
The thoughtful side of the WWW
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
Mister Pants.com |
I no longer recall how I ended up adding MisterPants to my bookmarks, but I did.
And I'm proud of it. The links in his Pantslog are sufficiently wacky and
his observations on life in Japan and elsewhere are fascinating.
Have fun freaking out your friends and relatives by sending them random links from
The Brunching Shuttlecocks |
A quite famous humour site. Not to everyone's taste, but good for an occasional chuckle.
Live Journal |
An online journal site. Open Source, so you can run your own version of LJ if
the standard one isn't to your liking. A large community made up of many sub-communities...
a good way to find friends and more! |
E-mule Poetry Archives |
A searchable archive site with poetry and commentary. |
Poet's Corner |
Another searchable poetry archive site. |
Tamagotchi and other Virtual Pets |
Includes Digimon, Pokemon, and all sorts of cute pixellated critters.
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
The Country Mouse's Virtual Pets Page |
One of my favourite websites ever. The Mouse has a wide variety of virtual pets, and
a fascinating diary about her experiences with them (and with life in general... the
inspiration for my own Virtual Pets Journal). Be sure to visit the other parts of
her website, too!
Vickie's Virtual Pet Page |
Vickie was kind enough to trade me one of her Oceangotchi Virtual Pets. At her website, you can see all her rare and exotic virtual pets, with a detailed explanation thereof!
The Angelgotchi Plane
A site dedicated to the Angelgotchi or Tamagotchi Angel variety of Virtual Pets.
Lady Meowth's Pokemon Site |
Pokemon (and Tamagotchi and Digimon) information by a Pokemon fan! Beautifully designed.
Online Virtual Pets |
Virtual Pets that live on a website, which can be visited from anywhere using a browser.
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
Ah, Neopets. An addictive little online community where you can play a variety of
games (from Blackjack to Hide-and-seek to a variation on Sim-Themepark), buy a plethora
of items, and raise up to four different cuddly/fierce pets.
Best Little Internet PetZ: BLIPZ
At this site, you have to work for your money; by taking good care of a pet, and by
giving it extra attention, you earn extra "money" to buy more pets (up to 5) or to give
your pets various lavish bonuses!
Online Swine |
Have you ever dreamed of owning your own pig? ... Me neither. Still, it can be surprisingly fun. Weekly contests to see who can raise the best pig!
FurbyLand! The Official Furby Website! |
Not only does this site have information/blatant attempts to sell you on Furby, it also has games and a "Make and Raise Your Own Virtual Furby" option available to Tiger Toy Federation Members! It's free to join...
PostPet Resources |
PostPet Fan pages, Snack pages, and my favourite free e-mail services.
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
PostPet Page a la Mazurka
My friend Mazurka's PostPet page; complete with his original Ten Commandments of PostPet.
PostPet Fan |
Unfortunately, it seems that the webmaster used a rather shoddy translation program for his/her text. Nonetheless, a helpful PostPet resource.
Nettaxi |
Free 10 MB e-mail and webspace package. Ads in the e-mails recieved using this service.
Softhome.net |
Fairly reliable e-mail service; be sure to request the FREE Personal E-mail package.
Will not let you check mail more than once every 10 minutes.
In exchange for this free POP3 and SMTP service, you have to agree to be part of their TARGIT MAIL program of directed e-mail ads. PPLMAIL will occasionally send you e-mails that they think you'll be interested in. You can then ignore or respond as you see fit.
Furby Resources |
Genuinely helpful Furby Information only. *evil grin*
URL and Banner |
Comments: |
Fabulous Furby Fan Page
Like the title says, it's fabulous, dahling. Pretty much includes all the information you would ever need on Furby, Furby's ancestral animatronic toys, Gizmo, etc. Wow!
Hack Furby.COM |
Oddly enough, this page is about... Hacking Furby. In an attempt to make Furby computer compatible, our entrepid webmaster dissects the innocent creature *snicker* and provides us with a step-by-step photo and text guide. A must-see!
FurbyLand! The Official Furby Website! |
The "Furby Babies" promotional Shockwave movies on this site are full of spine-tingling horrifying cuteness. I think. Cower in terror.