The Sands of Mata Nui


Kaikokoti Wetekanga

Kaikokoti Wetekanga, the Spirit of Harvest, exists only in legend.
Although it may appear dark and frightful, Kaikokoti serves an important role in Tohunga mythology, guiding the spirits of the lost to the First World.
It is seen as a comforting presence to the bereaved, a wise and compassionate caretaker who ensures that those who have gone ahead will never suffer the Makuta's corrupting touch. When the Turaga speak the legends of Kaikokoti Wetekanga at their village ceremonies, its role is reverently enacted through puppet and shadow-play.

Kaikokoti Wetekanga

Here we see one of many interpretations of Kaikokoti Wetekanga’s form, created for a great gathering of the villages long ago.

Kaikokoti Wetekanga




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