The Sands of Mata Nui


The Kotonga

Like the cold south wind from which they take their name, Kotonga roam the frozen slopes and peaks of Kopaka’s glacial realm. They are highly resistant to the chill of gale and snow, but will not venture down into Mata Nui's warmer climes.

The Kotonga

Kotonga are solitary hunters and will follow the slightest of tracks for kio after kio.
With uncannily sharp vision, they can see across great distances even through blinding snowfall. Excellent climbers with superb balance, Kotonga favor pouncing upon their prey from ambush, leaping down from high cliffs to deliver savage, slashing blows with their powerful claws.

The Kotonga

The rarely-heard roar of the Kotonga is a raw and unsettling cry. Some Tohunga believe that the furious shriek calls down avalanches from the mountain heights, dooming any unfortunate enough to cross the hunter’s path.

The Kotonga

Legend holds that the first Kotonga was created to stand at Kopaka's side, but that each was too solitary by nature to long wander in the other's company. It is said that the Toa still feels a special bond with the fierce hunter, and that they avoid one another's trails as a sign of mutual respect.




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