Realm of the Unknown

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In the space between hope and fear

between sunset and darkness

between dream and nightmare

We live.




Here are the unknown creatures of Mata Nui, the multi-legged beasties.
Pictured here are Tahu's creatures, biomechanical beings of fire and flame.
Legend and superstitions shroud these creatures in mystery...




The Flame-tailed Insectoid


Not much is known of this six-legged beast, which has a tail of pure fire and the face of a man. It is thought to rear up on its bulky hind-most legs when alarmed, leaving man-sized footprints in its wake.




The Ember-Dwelling Spider Ant

Another spidery thing. This pose is aesthetically pleasing 
to me..

These are sketches of the only known Spider Ants to be held in captivity.
The hind legs are an artist's conception, as the Spider Ants reputedly make their nest amidst embers and ashes, coming out only a little at a time.




Bionicle Creations The Sands of Mata Nui Official Bionicle Website The Nexus




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