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E-mail Central: Delivery Room

Last Updated September 5th, 1999

This is where the results of each days deliveries were to be tallied. A little boring, you say?

...Well, you're right. But I was doing this to share my findings about the various e-mail services, and their reliability, with all those frustrated PostPet owners out there.

This page was also a bit of a popularity contest. Some of my pets got a LOT more "fan mail" or invitations to other PostPet's houses than others, and I thought it might be fun to compare.

What Happened to All the Pets?!

Well, most of them were summarily deleted from my work computer. Some were saved on to a zip disk, but I found that caring for so many pets at once was a great hassle and took up FAR too much space on my hard drive, so again they vanished.

However, over the winter I worked on making a Japanese partition on my computer. Basically, if a hard drive was a room, the partition would be the bit of curtain or string that separates two parts of the room, so that two siblings (or two operating systems) can each have their own "room". (This analogy may only be comprehensible to people who have had to share a bedroom with a brother or sister.)

Once I had my Japanese partition, I was able to download and install PostPet 2001 (Trial version for 30 days) and Pet Select, a freeware program which allows you to run several pets from one installation. Pet Select saves your various PostPet Configuration files (contains information about the species, age, intelligence, stylishness, etc of your pet) under different names, and lets you "swap" them before starting up your postpet program.) This means that you can have several pets, most of whom only take up 6 or 7 KB in their Pet'sName_PostPetConfig.ppc form.

If PetSelect works on English Windows as well as Japanese, then I may restart PolarClaw, Volkswagon, Quetzovercoatl and Gamera again!


Go Visit my Pets

Visit Quetzovercoatl! I Visit Polar Claw I Visit Volkswagon I Visit Gamera

The Mysterious Quetzovercoatl

Quetzovercoatl is named after "Que(t)zovercoatl, the Feathered Boa", a God of Human Sacrifice that appears in the novel "Eric" by Terry Pratchett. (When I have time, I'll be linking that to my "Amazon bookstore" outlet. When I have time. If I have time.) He (or she) is currently a King Postman of indeterminate gender, and a bit of an identity crisis.

Click on the pic to find out how to get a character like Quetz!

Anyhow, Quetz's address was at twotone@hhdevel.com, which came with a free homepage to boot. Here's how he was doing...

July 21st: summary

After about a week of working fine, Quetz suddenly started giving me errors like mobody's business... And just when he got his first "fan" (well, somebody who wanted to see him, anyway), too!

July 22nd: summary

More errors.

July 23rd: summary

Working again!

July 24th: summary

Working okay.

July 25th onwards:

Stopped working.



Error message


July 21st

8:25 am

Wrong Password

...No, it wasn't.

" "

8:30 am

Wrong Destination, or Network is down


" "

4:54 pm

Wrong Password


" "

4:55 pm

Wrong Destination, or Network is down

That does it, I'm going home.

July 22nd

8:27 am

Wrong Password


" "

8:30 am

Wrong Destination, or Network is down


" "


Wrong Password

...It still let me send and check mail.

June 23rd



Lets me receive 4 mails!

July 23rd



Lets me receive okay.

July 24th



Sends and receives okay!

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Send e-mail to PolarClaw!

Polar Claw, Mighty Maximal PostPet

Polar Claw the Pink Polar Bear is named after a toy (and, hopefully, eventual character) in the computer animated series Transformers: Beast Wars. While setting him up, I tricked him into thinking that the 21st was my birthday, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover several mails from him in my inbox!(More on that later.)

His very first stats, when he was being set up, were:

  • Condition: 56
  • Happiness: 67
  • Style: 50
  • Intelligence: 63

July 20th: summary

Newly set up. Sent 1 mail. Brought home a windmill.

July 21st: summary

Some problems. brought home a Dorayaki or Japanese cake with red bean paste filling, and telescope.

  • E-mail 1 (sent twice):
    Title: Please
    Dear Aurora,
    My name is Polar Claw @ Aurora's house.
    I would just like to say that
    today is Aurora's birthday, so please wish him/her a Happy Birthday!
    Polar Claw
  • E-mail 2:
    Title: The day you were born
    Do you celebrate the day you were born?
    Do you blow out the fire on the cake?
    Polar Claw want to blow out the candles.
    Polar Claw

So... cute! I wish I could cuddle him! (And to think that I used to find the Teddy bear hideous...)

July 22nd: summary

Receiving okay. Sent 2 mail. 2 "fan mails". Brought home a seed of wisdom.

July 23rd: summary

Sent 1 mail.



Error message


June 21st

8:25 am

Wrong Password

...No, it wasn't.

" "

8:30 am

Wrong Destination, or Network is down


" "

4:54 pm

Wrong Password


" "


Wrong Destination, or Network is down

That does it, I'm going home.

June 22nd

8:27 am

Wrong Password


" "

8:30 am

Wrong Destination, or Network is down


" "


Wrong Password

...It still let me send and check mail.

June 23rd



Lets me receive 4 mails!

June 23rd



Lets me receive okay.

June 24th



Sends and receives okay!

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Poor, poor Volkswagon was a sweet, if somewhat dumb bunny. Unfortunately, her address at twotone@teleserver.dynip.com was deleted when the webmaster/e-mail provider suddenly decided to stop his e-mail service altogether. In any case, she had been having problems delivering mail, thanks to the slow and ponderous e-mail server.

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Gamera was a good chap, if unpopular, and he lives on at my (often malfunctioning) twotone@VisualCities.com address, as a Japanese Postpet 2001 Turtle.

His son-in-spirit, the English Postpet Premium Turtle named "Filth", is at twotone@pplmail.com.

Meanwhile, Gamera's old e-mail address now belongs to Wheelie, a Mystery Mechanoid. You can e-mail Wheelie at twotone@crosswinds.net.

I hope this helped somewhat. If you need more info, feel free to e-mail me!

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