Quezovercoatl's Super Doki-Doki Love-Love Botcon 2000 Report

Thursday, July 27th: Walking Trouble!




The soundtrack for our epic roadtrip to Fort Wayne was the Pokemon "2 B A Master" CD, with a chorus of squabbling drivers and a side order of cartoon theme songs. Sadly, the cheery strains of SwiftEagle's Japanese Transformers anime themes were voted out after the first few tunes, and the Thylacine2000/SwiftEagle/Quezovercoatl plot to sing the entire Lion King soundtrack was vetoed by a cross Picard42, who threatened to make us walk to Botcon.

(Either during the drive to Botcon or the drive from Botcon, Thylacine2000 started singing Be Prepared from the Lion King soundtrack, which resulted in Pic and Perc retaliating by shrieking the All In The Family theme... right in my ear. Thanks a lot, guys.)

So inbetween rolling with laughter at the husky "I-smoke-10-packs-a-day" tones of Misty and the exquisitely effeminate stylings of Jaaaaames (of Team Rocket fame), we somehow made it across three states or so, with a minimum of wrong turns, potty breaks, and bloodshed.

I vaguely recall hearing the anguished cry "Ow, my groin!" but since everyone seemed fine when we arrived at the Fort Wayne Hilton around 10 PM (11 PM according to my watch, but apparently Indiana doesn't have Daylight Savings Time), I assume it was nothing important.

I will take the time to note how disturbing it is that most of our car-trip gang managed to memorize the lyrics to the Team Rocket's Rockin' song. I will also note that almost all of the voices on the Pokemon CD sounded... different, to say the least, than the ones on the cartoon.

This was particularly tragic in the case of Team Rocket's James, who sounded like the hideous offspring of an unholy union between Tracks and Ru-Paul. His trademark lyrics "Walking trouble!" and "(in a plaintive tone) I'm always the man..." were frequently drawled during the course of Botcon, so if anyone wondered what that was all about, now you know.

And as Tracks will tell you, "Knowing is half the battle! (reaches out to pat two young hoodlums on the bottom)"

So. Hrm. We reached Fort Wayne around 10 PM. Nothing really notable happened.
We saw a whole lot of corn fields and, for no discernable reason, billboards for adult bookstores.
There were many trucks with sheepies in them.
We found out that Monocle, the Prince of Darkness of choice for random street-corner preachers, is secretly fond of ponies.
And it rained horribly whenever Perceptor (TFWW) took the wheel.

I got to hear my first non-Japanese cicadas in an A&W parking lot, after we had our dinner and watched a small child clad only in a diaper totter around screaming, while its parents did nothing.

We were snubbed by Skyflight when we arrived at the hotel.

We slept the sleep of the exhausted and deserving, remembering to set up a morning call so as not to miss our appointment with fate (and #wiigii!-ers) the following day.

The real adventure begins on Friday!

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