Quezovercoatl's Super Doki-Doki Love-Love Botcon 2000 Report |
Thursday, July 27th: Walking Trouble!. . . The soundtrack for our epic roadtrip to Fort Wayne was the Pokemon "2 B A Master" CD, with a chorus of squabbling drivers and a side order of cartoon theme songs. Sadly, the cheery strains of SwiftEagle's Japanese Transformers anime themes were voted out after the first few tunes, and the Thylacine2000/SwiftEagle/Quezovercoatl plot to sing the entire Lion King soundtrack was vetoed by a cross Picard42, who threatened to make us walk to Botcon. (Either during the drive to Botcon or the drive from Botcon, Thylacine2000 started singing Be Prepared from the Lion King soundtrack, which resulted in Pic and Perc retaliating by shrieking the All In The Family theme... right in my ear. Thanks a lot, guys.)
So inbetween rolling with laughter at the husky "I-smoke-10-packs-a-day" tones of Misty and
the exquisitely effeminate stylings of Jaaaaames (of Team Rocket fame), we somehow made it
across three states or so, with a minimum of wrong turns, potty breaks, and bloodshed.
I will take the time to note how disturbing it is that most of our car-trip gang managed
to memorize the lyrics to the Team Rocket's Rockin' song. I will also note that almost
all of the voices on the Pokemon CD sounded... different, to say the least, than the ones on
the cartoon.
So. Hrm. We reached Fort Wayne around 10 PM. Nothing really notable happened.
The real adventure begins on Friday!
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