The Characters of Beast Wars

As with anything else on my site, you may with to take these character sketches with a grain of salt (or your preferred type of condiment.) These are largely based on my opinions, and are not meant to be factually correct. Think of them as a way for you to get a feel for the way I see Beast Wars, and the way that these characters will be portrayed in my fanfics and essays.

If you want detailed tech specs, toy information, voice actor profiles, shoe sizes, or any other "real" information, I again urge you to head to BWTF.COM. Otherwise, please peruse the pages and enjoy my unique approach to the characters of Beast Wars. (And any other Transformers that catch my interest.)

The Bad Guys?

Character Series Alternate mode
Waspinator Beast Wars Resident Punching Bag and Schmo
Scorponok Beast Wars Idiot Savant
Tarantulas Beast Wars Mad-HEEEheheheheheh!-Scientist
Terrorsaur Beast Wars Professional Backstabber
Megatron Beast Wars Children's Entertainer
Inferno Beast Wars Court Jester
Quickstrike Beast Wars Yosemite Sam
Black Arachnia Beast Wars Token Kick-ass Chick
Rampage Beast Wars Hannibal Lecter

The Good Guys?

Character Series Alternate mode
Dinobot Beast Wars Jurassic Park Escapee
Cheetor Beast Wars Annoying as all-get-out
Rattrap Beast Wars Resident Rodent
Rhinox Beast Wars Gadgeteer
Optimus Primal Beast Wars Iron-fisted Ruler
Tigatron Beast Wars Woo-woo Shamanistic Tree Hugger
Air Razor Beast Wars Airrazor
Silverbolt Beast Wars Dashing Doer of Derring-Do
Depth Charge Beast Wars DEVIL FISH


Counter script by
BoingDragon's Lair

Custom counter images by Gayuu of Namara Forest
Namara Forest Friends




Characters Gallery Library The Nexus




Page design, layout, and contents by Clockwork Penguin Productions. Backgrounds courtesy of System F. Penguin-headed smilies courtesy of Miwa's Farm. This site is not intended to be an infringement on any of the copyrights and trademarks of any company whose products or characters are mentioned within its contents. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and is an entirely non-profit operation.

"Twotone", "BW Twotone", "Hummer" and "Nectarnation" are copyright Clockwork Penguin Productions. These characters may not be used in any other works of fiction without explicit written permission.

Clockwork Penguin Productions System F Miwa's Farm


