April RantI QUIT!!!(A look at the Beast Wars Metals Episode 5) |
Before this episode starts, a patently phony "Emergency Announcement!" shows up on the screen,
with a mugshot of Dinobot. Dinobot growls that he's quitting the Maximals and joining...
The episode is a fairly loose translation of Maximal No More. Somehow, it's a lot harder to take Dinobot seriously when his soliloquys sound like the disgruntled grumblings of a guy at a pub, complaining to anyone who will listen that "I really wanna hang out with Primal, but I dunno if that's the right thing to do, yanno what I mean?" His dramatic soliloquy and computer- fiddling is interrupted by Primal asking him if he's "playing Mah Johngg on the computer again".
What follows is the first of many, many episodes with what I call "Taxi Patter"... basically,
the polite small talk that Japanese taxi drivers will try to make with their passengers. This
happens repeatedly in this episode, with Dinobot/Rattrap, Dinobot/Megatron, and Dinobot/Rattrap
again. The main one that sticks in my mind is:
As well, Waspinator begins to show an unhealthy obsession with finding out what grade people are
in. Apparently, his attempts to claim seniority over others has been interpreted in a rather
more childish fashion that expected, as he demands:
Another running gag is Rattrap trying to smell out Predacons, and catching whiffs of the audience's dinner instead. "Oh, looks like the Suzukis are having curry tonight!" Other notes:
Quote of the Episode: Quickstrike's Cobra-head leaps in for the kill.
(During the QS/Dinobot gladitorial battle.)
Second place: Megatron announces the rules of combat. Megatron: "The rules are simple! Whoever wins... WINS! Er, that's rather obvious, isn't it." Oscar Moment: Dinobot is told to Kill Rattrap
Rattrap: "Please... be gentle..."
Random Observations:
The episode ends with Dinobot saying that he didn't kill Rattrap because he doesn't like being
ordered around... and because Rattrap is "A friend." (Awwwww.) Then Rattrap rides off with
Dinobot safely on his back, as Dinobot yelps "Ow! Ow! My butt! Ow! Watch it! My poor tender bum!"
etc. Hurrah for anticlimaxes.
. . .
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