The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Megatron
At the centre of the various plots, plots within plots, and plots within plots within plots, is Megatron. Named after the legendary Decepticon leader Megatron, this Predacon leader is cunning enough to know of all the plots against him... and utilize them, by playing his various potential foes against each other. Or so he claims. Megatron is not shy about his alleged intellect and devious mind, and attempts to project the image of being an all-knowing, all-seeing master of subterfuge and psychology. He also attempts to talk to his hand-puppet, Mookie (actually his beast-mode head, which becomes his robot-mode hand in his first Beast Wars incarnation). When questioned or mocked by others, he claims to prefer "intelligent conversation" with himself/his hand to the admittedly more down-to-earth topics that his underlings discuss, like how to betray and get rid of their leader as quickly and as painfully as possible. In his first incarnation, he turns into a large purple dinosaur (allegedly a Tyrannosaurus Rex) with tiny spindly arms that make him look vaguely like Mr. C. Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons. Allegations that he later attempted to make it in the world of children's entertainment as a loveable singing dinosaur are currently under investigation. . . .
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