The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Quickstrike
The words "Wayull, HOWDY!" and "blatant phallic symbol" nicely summarize the unfortunately-named Predacon Quickstrike. A scorpion with a snake for a tail in beast-mode, he transforms into a robot with a snake-head for an arm. It is suspect that the snake-head/arm/tail leads a semi- independent life of its own, quietly detaching from Quickstrike in the night to seek out a new, less-embarassing host. For Quickstrike is, indeed, embarrassing. His name is vaguely evocative of certain male performance problems, his "spitting snake" appendage is strongly suggesitve of certain male body parts, and he is, along with Inferno and Waspinator, a member of the Predacon equivalent of the Three Stooges. Rocks are dropped on his head With Hilarious Results, he gets run over by other Beast Wars characters With Hilarious Results, and he speaks stereotypical spaghetti western dialogue, With Hilarious Results. The most that can be said about Quickie is that he appears to genuinely care for Black Arachnia, albeit in a rather twisted, self-gratifying sort of way. As long as she flatters his ego, appears to be faithful and unconditionally "his", looks purty and lets him protect her like a fragile flower, Quickstrike seems satisfied. . . .
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