The NG Gallery: Page 6

The artwork on these pages were created by myself. You may not take these pictures without my permission, whether for personal use, message board use, or website use. If you're courageous (or fool-hardy) enough to want a similarly styled picture of your character for your website, try e-mailing me at bwtwotone @planet-save .com

Wayull howdy! Ah ahm an artiste!

Quickstrike was another depressing reality check for me.
Sure, it's easy to dash off a cutesy critter picture and still have it recognizable as, say, Cheetor, but it's a lot harder to do that with a scorpion-cobra fuzor.

My first attempt took FAR too much time and editing. In the end, despite consulting online screen captures of Quickstrike, I got something less than satisfactory. The proportions were messed up, the tail looked odd...
A pity, since I really liked the face I had drawn. For fun, see if you can spot the phallic imagery I tried to work in.

My next attempt was born out of my frustration with how badly Quickstrike In Beast Mode turned out.
Sadly, despite consulting online screen captures of Quickstrike, I got something resembling a temperamental French artist.

Maybe QS would have looked less French if I had coloured him in...

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Page design, layout, and contents by Clockwork Penguin Productions. Backgrounds courtesy of System F. Penguin-headed smilies courtesy of Miwa's Farm. This site is not intended to be an infringement on any of the copyrights and trademarks of any company whose products or characters are mentioned within its contents. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and is an entirely non-profit operation.

"Twotone", "BW Twotone", "Hummer" and "Nectarnation" are copyright Clockwork Penguin Productions. These characters may not be used in any other works of fiction without explicit written permission.

Clockwork Penguin Productions System F Miwa's Farm


