The Javaberry Cafe Presents...


Images courtesy of BWTF.COM and Cosmopolitan Online.

Dinobot is a Heroic Maximal Warrior TM.

At least, that's what the folks from Hasbro keep telling him. Dinobot himself is less than sold on the concept.

He started out life on the Predacon side, and for various reasons ended up on the Maximal side. Then he went back to the Predacon side again, possibly to pick up his CD Stereo and classical music CDs. Then he went back to the Maximal side again. Whether this makes him innately heroic, innately evil, or innately anything other than "a robot guy named Dinobot who turns into a blatant and biologically inaccurate ripoff of the velociraptors from Jurassic Park" is unclear, especially considering that jerks and loveable guys abound on both sides of the Beast Wars cast.

When questioned about his past changes in loyalty, Dinobot's stock response is:
"My honour is not... Maximal honour."

This roughly translates out to:
"Hey, you're not the boss of me! I don't hafta explain myself! Leave me alone! *sulk*"

This unhelpful attitude has led to some speculation that even Dinobot doesn't know why he does what he does. Perhaps he gets a vicarious thrill out of dancing on the edge of the factions.

Due to his mysterious, vaguely Byronic (kids: Ask your mom, or dad, or local English Major what a "Byronic Hero" is) past and his lack of soppiness, as well as his growwwwly raspy voice hinting at testosterone-laden breathless nights of non-stop--

Due to all of the above, Dinobot has been the recipient of more than a few lusty Transfemmes' attentions. As well, various Transfemmes (TRANSformer FANS who are FEMale) have gone to the trouble of creating fictional girlfriends for Dinobot. How he feels about the entire matter has not been determined; however, according to such eminent sources as the YTV Beasties Corner, Dinobot is "uncomfortable" around females who aren't actively trying to kill him or maim him or generally do something detrimental to his health.

Dinobot's hobbies include long, romantics walks by the beach; reading The Collected Works of Shakespeare so that he can sound really smart by working in quotes from Hamlet and Othello into everyday conversation; and quarrelling with fellow Maximal Rattrap. Whether this verbal sparring is the result of manly mutual affection, or virulent mutual loathing, is unknown.




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