The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Rattrap
Rattrap would like nothing more than to be thought of as a wise-cracking, battle-hardened, good-looking soldier of fortune whose tough exterior belies a heart of gold. Well, that's not quite true. Rattrap would probably like nothing more than the above, plus a lifetime subscription to Playbot Magazine ("Ehhhh, I just scan it for th' articles."), plus an unlimited amount of cheese. As chasing primitive cow-like entities around the Maximal Base for their sweet, sweet calcium-rich milk has begun to lose some of its appeal, Rattrap would especially be thankful for the unlimited amount of cheese. Very little is actually known about Rattrap. We know that he likes to argue with Dinobot, whom he calls "DinoBUTT", "Lizard-breath" and "Chopper-face". We know that he likes to come up with innovative insults and epithets for Predacons and Maximals alike. We know that he's a robot who turns into a shifty-eyed rat, who says things like "That's it, we're all gonna die" and that he likes cheese for some reason. We also know that he's man enough to not be ashamed of the diminutive size of his weapon. However, his presumably battle-filled life prior to the Beast Wars is something of an enigma. He makes reference to a "Great Aunt Arcee", as well as some establishment where the serving-bots are missing their "torso plates". The significance, and indeed the veracity, of these statements is still under debate. . . .
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