The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Scorponok
Scorponok is Megatron's Second in Command, a position typically occupied in Transformers history by characters accused of being "uncharismatic bores". Scorponok takes this a step further; for the bulk of the episodes he appears in, he acts like an uncharismatic bonehead with all the intellectual prowess of an inbred country yokel. The kind of yokel whose major contribution to society is joining a band of redneck hooligans who burn things, just so that he can say "Durrr, shore t'ing boss!" and "You can't do dat, da boss said I wuz second in command!" from time to time. At the very same time, Scorponok is brilliant enough to make some kind of "cyber-virus" meant to turn Primal into a weak-willed coward almost immediately upon injection. One theory is that he is an intelligent character with poor communication skills and low self- esteem, causing him to constantly restate his position of second-in-command, as well as sound slightly moronic. Another, more persuasive theory is that he is a very specialized form of bipolar disorder, in which he makes dramatic swings from "brilliant scientist and biologist who makes cyber-viruses" to "rather dull schlub who says 'Durr, I'm second in command!'". Unfortunately, the "brilliant" cycles all occur off-screen or between episodes, as it were. . . .
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