The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Inferno
Although many Beast Wars characters are only marginally affected by their beast modes, Inferno's beast mode is pretty much synonymous with his identity. Due to a mishap involving a stasis pod, an ant-hill and gravity, a protoform was somehow led to believe that he was, in fact, a soldier ant who had to protect its "colony" (i.e. the stasis pod it was born from). Oh, and he developed a liking for setting things on fire. Somewhere along the line, Inferno's obsession with the "colony" was displaced on to Predacon leader Megatron, also known as "The Royalty" and "My Queen". Inferno eventually stopped using the "Queen" moniker when Megatron attempted to asphyxiate him.
Here's where it gets messy.
Although Inferno acts like a soldier ant, he shows no signs of becoming effeminate in Megatron's absence. This leaves us with two possibilities; either he is a gender-confused female-ant-in- the-body-of-a-male-robot, or he is a male drone ant who has clued in on the fact that he's never going to go on that mating flight with "Queen" Megatron if he lets incompetents like Scorponok and Waspinator act as soldier ants. . . .
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