The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Silverbolt
Silverbolt is yet another member in that prestigious association known as the "I was Voiced by Scott McNeil Club" (current members include Dinobot, Rattrap, and Waspinator). He prides himself on being strong, fast, and pure, although he occasionally has difficulty being the latter. It's hard to be pure when the script-writers keep working innuendo into your lines... Silverbolt shares his name with an acrophobic G1 Autobot. Judging from the fact that he shows no fear of heights and no desire to merge to form Hyperion, it is believed that Beast Wars' Silverbolt is an entirely different entity. Although Waspinator refers to him as a "doggy-bot", Silverbolt's alternate form is not a doggy. He is an extremely anthropomorphized wolf with the wings and legs of an eagle. It is not known how he mates, or with whom. . . .
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