The Javaberry Cafe Presents...Rhinox
It is a truism that every Transformers series must have a Guy Who Makes Machines That Do Stuff,
and Rhinox is the Maximals' man. He is unique, however, in being the first Good Robot Guy Who
Makes Machines That Do Stuff to possess heavy artillery, and to be frequently used in violent
tributes to Quentin Tarantino films.
Besides making machines that do stuff, Rhinox's duties include being the strong silent type of guy who gets very few episodes dedicated to his adventures. He generally gives the illusion of being placid and easy-going, and there is a distinct possibility that he has an interest in horticulture or plants. Rhinox is known to enjoy "stopping to smell the flowers", although it is more than likely that he eats the flowers after smelling them. For reasons known to the priviledged few, he gets very irate when people make reference to the more embarrassing aspects of rhinocerous biology, such as flatulence and marathon mating sessions.
Rhinox is often considered to be Air Razor's "father" or
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